Do’s & Don’ts of Serving Notice Period

Notice Period

If you’ve accepted a fantastic new job, given your boss your letter of resignation, and are currently serving your notice period. Employees cannot abruptly quit their jobs during their notice period. Before we discuss what to do and what not to do while giving notice, let’s first discuss what the notice period includes.

Notice Period

So, what is the time for giving notice? It is the amount of time between when an employee hands in their resignation and their last day on the job.

When employees give their notice, the company usually gives them between one and two months to find new freshers jobs. An employee can, however, talk about their notice period during their exit interview and bring it up in their resignation letter.

Related: Look out for How to Get a Job as a Fresher from freshers jobs in Noida.

Now, let’s talk about how to give your notice

What is notice period? Notice Period is the amount of time between when an employee gives in their resignation and their last day of work. Even though you have given your notice, that doesn’t mean you can be lazy with your current employer. This could hurt your relationship with them. You should take your notice period as seriously as you did your first day on the job.

Here are some things and preparation tips you should and shouldn’t do while giving your notice.

Related: How to write a Resignation Letter?

Do’s for Giving Notice

1. Keep working as hard as you did before

What is notice period in job? During the time you have left your job, it’s easy to want to take it easy on yourself. Avoid this habit because it could leave the team you have worked with for a long time with a lot of unfinished work. Keep up the same level of work, and if you can’t finish every task by the end of the week, let your team know so they can keep up.

2. Tell your business contacts

When you give your notice, you must also let your clients, business partners, and coworkers know when your last day is. For work and communication to go smoothly until your replacement takes over, you can give them the contact information for your manager or even the next person in charge of the team.

3. Check to make sure there are no loose ends

Your top priority should be to finish up ongoing projects and hand them off to the next person for notice period for job. Don’t wait until the last minute to do things. Even if you no longer work there, leaving your desk clean and any unfinished business in good hands shows that you care about the organisation.

4. Give away what you know

Your boss might want you to finish all of your projects before you leave. But because your notice period is so short compared to the length of the project, this might not be possible. It’s more reasonable to expect you to teach the person or team who will take over your role and responsibilities everything they need to know. Your reputation will be better after you leave if you do a good job of passing on what you know.

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5. Don’t let a change in team spirit sway you

Let’s be honest once you start your job notice period, things change within the team. If you join a group that is a competitor, you might not be invited to meetings about future projects or other important meetings or events. Instead of feeling ignored and unimportant on your team, keep a positive attitude and look forward.

6. Be kind and thankful

No matter how tempting it may be, don’t talk about the new company in a negative way, criticise it, or just brag about it. Instead, think about the good things about the organisation and be thankful for the chances it has given you. During your leave interview, if you are asked what you think about the company, be polite and offer constructive criticism.

Don’ts of Giving Notice

1. Don’t make a big deal by starting a new job

It’s normal to be excited about your new jobs and jobs alert, with its cool office spaces, fun areas, and so on, but don’t brag about it to your coworkers in the bay. This can not only cause problems at work, but it can also ruin the atmosphere during the time you are giving notice period.

2. Don’t treat it like a vacation

Even though you may have less to do in the last few weeks, you should still talk about personal things or look at social media at work. Find a way to make yourself valuable. Talk to your boss and team members to find out what you can do to help. Your kindness and willingness to work as a team will be very much appreciated.

3. Don’t end things on a bad note

There may be good reasons for you to have negative feelings about some parts of your company, but you shouldn’t say them when you’re on notice. You don’t want a bad reputation to hurt your chances of having a better future.

4. Don’t make a big deal out of it

Yes, you should tell your professional network that you are leaving, but it doesn’t have to be a big deal. Your boss and coworkers will respect and like you more if you stay out of the way right now.

5. Don’t forget to send a proper goodbye note

What is notice period? Make sure you leave on a good note by taking the time to say goodbye to everyone you have worked with. Thank them for their help and advice, say you are sorry for all the times you were hard on them, and swap phone numbers. Take this chance to thank them for their advice, help, and all the great things that have happened to you that you have learned from.

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I hope you have got to know about the Do’s and Don’ts of Serving the Notice Period. During the notice period, people either ignore the fact that they are being watched and judged or become more and more aware of it. Whether you decide to quit or the company tells you to, you must always follow a set of rules, which can’t affect how professional you are at work. Additionally, it’s crucial to handle notice period recovery professionally, ensuring a smooth transition for both yourself and the company.

During your notice period, you should act in a professional way at all times. Even though your job is almost over, remember that you still work for a company and should act in a professional way. This is not the time to act rudely or stop doing what you need to do.

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