Top 50 AWS Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers

AWS Interview Questions and Answers

AWS stands for Amazon Web Services, is a popular platform supported by Cloud computing that is mostly preferred by several businesses worldwide. AWS involves around 200+ features to satisfy the wide range of demands of the cloud application users. It involves several applications such as Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. AWS is highly preferred since it provides a flexible, faster, and secure environment. Moreover, services offered in AWS are cost effective and make the applications and systems more effective.

AWS Interview Questions and Answers

Before we get into the AWS interview questions, let’s discover some important details about it.

  • Of the cloud service companies, AWS has a vital part to go with having a 47.8% percent IaaS public cloud services market share .
  • The AWS Solution Architect salary range can go up to INR 20,50,000 which is the average annual salary for the profile.

As explored in the Fact above it would be clear that there is great demand and job openings for candidates who have an understanding to deal with AWS applications. Now, Freshers Jobs will guide you with the Top 50 AWS Interview Questions and Answers to help you treacle your interviews with confidence.

AWS Question and Answer

Let’s explore the fundamental Interview Questions on AWS to help you attend your interview confidently and demonstrate your skills.

AWS Basic Interview Questions

  1. What is AWS?

AWS is a popular platform supported by cloud computing that provides various services, like computing power, storage, and databases. It offers scalable & flexible solutions for companies.

  1. What are the primary components of AWS?

AWS has numerous key features, like VPC for networking, S3 for storage, EC2 for computing power, IAM (access control), RDS for databases, and Lambda (serverless computing).

Components of AWS

  1. What is EC2?

Elastic Compute Cloud or EC2 helps you to temporarily use virtual servers, which are generally known as instances, to operate your applications. You can scale them up or down depending on your requirements.

  1. Define S3.

Simple Storage Service or S3 can be described as an object storage service crafted for storing & retrieving vast amounts of data. It’s scalable, stable, and safe, which makes it extremely suitable for backup and big data analytics.

Intermediate level AWS Interview Questions:

  1. Define an AMI.

An Amazon Machine Image is known as a pre-configured template that is utilized to create new EC2 instances. It consists of the operating system, application server, and applications.

  1. Define IAM Role.

IAM Role is one of the key elements of the AWS environments that allow the user to have a certain amount of access rights to the system, which are to be determined by the system. IAM Role is thus described concisely as an identity of AWS and part of Access control which enables the user to allow permissions to AWS services without using long-term credentials.

  1. Define Auto Scaling.

Auto Scaling, for example, allows you to define an instance and you can have multiple EC2 instances to automatically modify the amount. It simply asserts that the application holds sufficient resources in the context of any specific time period.

  1. What is a VPC?

VPC is a logically isolated network within an AWS cloud region where a user can launch AWS resources. You can leverage management at the network level, addressing subnets, as well as routing.

  1. What is Elastic Load Balancing?

ELB is used for resolving Application load for instance, HTTP and HTTPS, across different targets like Instance, Containers and IP address. It affords maximum availability and reliability.

  1. What is RDS?

Amazon RDS also provides a relational service that is capable of running several types of engines such as, MySQL, pgSQL, Maria DB, Oracle and Ms SQL. If applied in database management it helps in easing the common tasks that are involved in the process.

Engines Supported by Amazon RDS

AWS Developer Interview Questions

  1. What is CloudFormation? 

AWS CloudFormation is a service designed to assist with the actual organizing and creating of AWS resources through code. Resources that you own have templates that describe them and CloudFormation is solely responsible for the provisioning and configuration of resources.

  1. Define a Security group

Security Group is the application of a security measure that is intended for controlling the usage of Computers and or a Computer network. Security groups are kind of like firewalls that are available on EC2 instances to help curate the type of traffic allowed in.

  1. What is AWS Region?

AWS Region is a geographical location, in which the customer’s data resides or is processed. Region more generally is the defined geographic area in which AWS have deployed data centers. Every geographic area is made up of several smaller, geographically distinct locations called Availability Zones, which provide availability and redundancy.

  1. Define an Availability Zone. 

Availability Zone is an option and part of the design of multiple Amazon technologies, including Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). An Availability Zone (AZ) is a physical location in an AWS Region that represents a distinct data center. Sub-striping to individual Ashburn Zones: Every AZ has its own power and network, which provides great availability for your applications.

  1. What is AWS Lambda? 

AWS Lambda is an effective compute service to run arbitrary code without the need for providing and managing servers. It’s billed based on actual usage, namely how many seconds of CPU you took, making it ideal for running small jobs.

Intermediate AWS Developer Interview Questions:

  1. Distinguish between S3 and EBS. 
S3  EBS 
S3 is Simple Storage Service and it is used for storage of any form and volume of data on the web and can be accessed as a simple data storage object. EBS is an Elastic Block Storage that is used in connection with EC2 instances in similar manner as hard disks.
  1. What is CloudWatch? 

AWS CloudWatch is a Usage service that offers support in analyzing as well as processing of data corresponding to the AWS resources and app. Thus, you will remain capable of monitoring not only performance and usage but even the general condition of operations through the software.

  1. What is Route 53? 

Amazon Route 53 in fact is an elastically scalable web service which has been specially developed for hosting DNS. As a result, it explains the Domain Name System (DNS) and enables availability and reliability of the application to end-users by helping them in accessing your applications.

  1. Define AWS SDK. 

AWS SDKs is an abbreviation for AWS Software Development Kits. They are a set of tools developed to help the developers integrate AWS Features into their applications by using Java, Python, .Net, etc., into their applications. NET, and JavaScript.

  1. Distinguish between Spot Instances & On-Demand Instances.
Spot Instances  On-Demand Instances 
Spot Hosts are unused EC2 instances available for a significantly cheaper price but can be shut down by AWS with a two-minute facility if the cloud computing service requires the capacity for other purposes. On-Demand Instances enable you to provision EC2 capacity in one-time increments without the need to make upfront commitments for running your workload continuously.

Python-Based AWS Interview Questions and Answers

  1. What is Boto3? 

Boto3 is known as the official AWS SDK for Python. It allows developers to interact with AWS services through an easy and efficient way. It lets you perform automation, execute tasks, and control AWS resources programmatically.

  1. Why should Boto3 be used in your projects? 

Boto3 is a powerful tool designed for AWS resources management through automation, with seamless integration of AWS services available for applications developed in the Python language. It enables automation for infrastructure provisioning and helps manage data storage and application deployment, thereby boosting productivity and efficiency.

  1. Differentiate between boto3.client() and boto3.resource().
boto3.client() boto3.resource()
boto3.client() gives you direct access to the low-level service client. It provides access to the AWS API. boto3.resource() gives a higher-level interface, which does not require handling the connections or service objects.
  1. How does AWS IAM benefit a Python developer?

AWS IAM allows Python developers to programmatically manage users, groups, and permissions, ensuring secure and controlled access to AWS resources in applications.

Aspects managed by AWS IAM

  1. How to integrate AWS DynamoDB into Python applications? 

AWS DynamoDB is an entirely managed NoSQL database service supported by AWS. Python developers can use DynamoDB to support features requiring highly structured data with very high performance and scalability, such as real-time applications supporting gaming or IoT.

Intermediate Python-Related AWS Question and Answer:

  1. Explain CodeBuild and CodePipeline, and how do they relate to Python projects? 

AWS CodePipeline is a CI/CD service, but AWS CodeBuild is managed build service entirely. If you want to speed up and enhance the quality of development, you can make Python projects build, test and deploy automatically.

  1. How can AWS Step Functions be used with Python? 

AWS Step Functions orchestrate workflows using state machines. Python developers can use it to define and manage complex workflows with different AWS services, thus automating processes in tasks like data processing and ETL.

  1. How do you use AWS Lambda Layers with Python? 

By using AWS Lambda Layers, it is possible for Python developers to share all core libraries, runtime dependencies as well as any additional functions which may be required across multiple Lambda functions. This in turn reduces deployment package sizes through code reuse.

  1. How can an Amazon Rekognition be used by a Python developer? 

Being a service for image and video analysis, Amazon Rekognition is able to integrate this service with their applications so that they can search images and videos, detect faces or recognize objects among other things using Python.

  1. What is the purpose of AWS Cloud9 and how does it help Python developers? 

AWS Cloud9 is an IDE designed specifically for python development which is cloud based. Among others, it offers a rich coding experience, facilitates easy debugging through a browser, allows convenient terminal access while supporting seamless integration with various AWS services thus boosting productivity.

Java-Based AWS Interview Questions

  1. How is Amazon CloudFront used by Java Programmers? 

Amazon CloudFront is referred to as Content Distribution Network services, which is commonly known as CDN service that increases the speed of data delivery, videos, APIs or web applications to the users with lesser delay. Java developers use CloudFront to use their useful web applications more effectively and accessible.

  1. How do Java developers make use of Amazon Kinesis? 

Amazon Kinesis is a platform designed for real time data streaming. Java developers utilize it to handle and analyze data streams in time serving purposes such as real time analytics and monitoring.

  1. Describe AWS Elastic Beanstalk and explain how it reduces Deployment Complexities in Java Applications. 

AWS Elastic Beanstalk is referred to as a position-as-an-service or PaaS tool that can be made an application for automating web application deployment and scalable web apps. And just like that, you’ll get your Java apps up and running without thinking about infrastructure management.

  1. How does Amazon Elasticsearch Service benefit Java developers? 

Amazon Elasticsearch Service is a worldwide, totally protected, completely overseen, and profoundly adaptable Elasticsearch service. Java developers can avail Elasticsearch for full-text search, logging, real-time analytics.

  1. What is AWS Batch, and how can Java applications benefit from it? 

AWS Batch is a service that enables efficient processing of batch computing workloads. Java developers use it to run large-scale batch jobs, automating the scaling and scheduling of compute resources.

Intermediate Java-Related AWS Interview Questions and Answers:

  1. What is Amazon Aurora, and how does it compare to traditional databases for Java developers?

Amazon Aurora is a fully managed high performance relational database service. It provides the performance and consistency of the highest level of commercial databases but in a simpler, packaged fashion which is ideal for Java developers with high performance needs of their database.

  1. Explain how Java developers can use AWS Identity & Access Management (IAM) roles.

AWS Identity & Access Management (IAM) roles are used by Java developers to delegate permission to the application on other AWS resources, without requiring embedding the credentials. This provides secure access and makes it easier to manage credentials.

  1. Define AWS OpsWorks, and explain the process of how it integrates with Java applications?

AWS OpsWorks is a service that helps manage and set up servers for running applications. It uses tools called Chef and Puppet to make this process easier. Java programmers use OpsWorks to automatically handle tasks like putting their applications online, setting up the environment, and keeping it all running smoothly.

  1. Explain how Amazon Athena helps Java developers with data analysis. 

Amazon Athena is a tool that lets Java developers look at and understand their data stored in Amazon’s S3 storage service. They can use simple SQL commands to ask questions about their data. This simplifies the task of examining big sets of data without needing to create difficult processes for pulling out, changing, and putting in data.

  1. What is AWS X-Ray, and how do Java developers use it?

AWS X-Ray assists Java developers in checking and fixing problems in complex applications. It gives information about how well the application is working and helps find slow parts by following how requests move through the application.

PHP-Based AWS Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers

  1. What is Amazon RDS Read Replica, and how can PHP applications benefit from it?

You can set up Amazon RDS Read Replica to serve a read-only data copy of the original database. For PHP applications, this allows additional MySQL server read and helps to optimize server application performance and scalability.

  1. How does AWS Elastic Load Balancing enhance PHP application performance? 

AWS Elastic Load Balancing helps to distribute the incoming application traffic across several EC2 instances to enhance high availability and failure tolerance. It assists the PHP applications themselves in dealing with more traffic and has better stability.

  1. What particular service can be pointed out as Amazon Route 53, and how do PHP developers incorporate it?

Amazon Route 53 is DNS web service or in simple words, Small-scale domain name registrar. When it comes to routing end user requests to infrastructures running in AWS PHP developers need to ensure low latency and high availability using it.

  1. What is AWS Auto Scaling, and why is it important for PHP applications? 

The Amazon Web Services Auto Scaling name is technically a service that assists in ensuring that the number of instances that can be active concurrently is controlled, by increasing or decreasing the EC2 instance count. Their goals are designed to guarantee stability and organization of PHP-apps work, as well as the management of condition changes.

  1. Define Amazon Redshift, and explain how a PHP developer can use it? 

Amazon Redshift is an SQL-based data warehousing service, and PHP developers can utilize it as explained in this piece. Amazon Redshift is referred to as a data warehousing solution that AWS will offer, and this will be without requiring any maintenance. PHP developers use it where applications deal with Big data or large data query to assist the developers in executing queries irrespective of how slow they are.

Intermediate PHP-Related AWS Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers:

  1. What does PHP Application Gain from AWS Global Accelerator? 

AWS Global Accelerator enables all applications with international traffic to perform optimally by directing the traffic to the nearest AWS endpoint, thus creating quicker response times and excellent customer experience.

  1. What is AWS Shield, and how does it protect PHP applications?

Amazon has another feature called CloudTrail that logs all AWS API calls and activity. PHP developers rely on it as it is used for auditing and monitoring. This way, all changes and actions made in the AWS environment can be monitored to check whether the incident corresponds to the requirements of security and compliance.

  1. What is AWS Shield, and how does it protect PHP applications?

AWS Shield is commonly a DDoS solution that is provided through AWS marketplace as a service. PHP applications are protected from DDoS attacks, avail the application and reduce shelf times.

  1. Explain what is Amazon S3 Glacier and its uses in PHP applications. 

Amazon S3 Glacier is a cost effective data storage service that is designed for archiving and for long term backup purposes. PHP applications use it to store rarely required data less expensively.

  1. How do PHP developers use AWS Systems Manager? 

AWS Systems Manager provides operational insights and automation. PHP developers use it to manage resources, automate tasks, and maintain security compliance across AWS infrastructure.

Career Prospect in AWS Realm

Beyond doubt, AWS has established itself as the unrivaled market leader when it comes to cloud services. Historically, research conducted by Forrester also revealed that the global AWS market stood at approximately $236 billion. Taking a look at some of the many customers, it is possible to name Airbnb, Netflix, Amazon, Fox, Nintendo, SoundCloud, McDonald’s, and many others. The widespread deployment of AWS products and services in large infrastructure, databases, storage, and security means that AWS is already a secure and bulletproof cloud-computing platform.

Some well-known enterprises that employ AWS specialists are Adobe, AOL, Airbnb, Alert Logic, Alcatel-Lucent, AutoDesk, Acquia, BMW, Bitdefender, British Gas, Canon, Chef, Citrix, Channel 4, Coinbase, Comcast, Docker, the European Space Agency, FINRA, The Financial Times, GoSquared, General Electric, the Guardian News & Media, Netflix, Amazon, Hitachi, Intuit Some of the positions commonly found within these organizations include Operational Support Engineer, System Integrator, Cloud software engineer, and AWS solution architect among others; AWS sysops administrator, cloud developer, DevOps engineer, Senior AWS cloud architect, AWS network specialist and AWS big data specialist.

While summing up the observed correlation between the multitude of offerings and the salaries of a certified AWS Cloud Developer in India which ranges between Rs. 3,90,000 to Rs. 4,800,000 per year. US wise AWS cloud developer earns an average of $98,500 per annum, while globally stands at $98,500. It is crucial to mention that these figures might be changeable depending on several factors, including the organization or the position that is available. Given below are the Job opportunities offered in the AWS field.

AWS Cloud Support Associate

AWS Cloud Support Associates are the first line of support for customers using AWS services. They handle technical inquiries, troubleshoot issues, and provide guidance on AWS service usage. This role is ideal for those new to AWS, offering exposure to a wide range of AWS services and real-world customer scenarios. As a foundational position, it provides a great starting point for understanding AWS environments and developing problem-solving skills.

Junior AWS Developer

Junior AWS Developers assist in creating and deploying applications on AWS. They work on coding tasks, integrate AWS services, and contribute to smaller projects under the guidance of senior developers. The role needs basic code of programming knowledge, and some understanding of Amazon Web Services. Which not only helps to get familiar with basic AWS tools and services from the side of developers but also prepares a ground for further development work.

AWS Solutions Architect Associate

AWS Solutions Architect Associates plan and build cost-effective solutions that are also elastic and stable using AWS services. While, they provide facilitation services to the client so as to be able to map the client needs to technical specifications. Possible only for an experienced person who should be well familiar with AWS architecture and services. In most cases, people in this position must have AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate credential as this proves their skills in designing proper AWS solutions.

AWS SysOps Administrator

AWS SysOps Administrators are actually charged with the responsibility of managing and running Operating Systems on the AWS platform. They observe system performance, release upgrades and oversee the distinct cloud hosts and applications. This position must involve work with systems administration and must be proficient in working with the AWS management tools. Finally, Operations Management is critical to sustaining the quality and dependability of AWS infrastructures.

AWS Developer

AWS Developers create, deploy, and maintain applications on the AWS platform. They integrate various AWS services to optimize application performance and functionality. Excellent programming skills and an in-depth understanding of AWS SDKs are essential for this role. The average Freshers Salary of AWS Developers is 3 Lakh per annum. AWS Developers play a key role in building robust cloud applications and improving development processes.

AWS Developer

AWS DevOps Engineer

AWS DevOps Engineers set up the continuous integration and continuous delivery methods, perform an automation of infrastructure mechanisms, and orchestrate the process of deployment. They are in direct contact between development and operations so that they can facilitate that the integration and delivery processes are seamless. As for job requirements, the candidate must have experience with DevOps tools, script languages, and specific AWS services related to automation infrastructure. Cloud and DevOps Engineers, therefore, are crucial players in sustaining optimally scalable clouds.

AWS Data Engineer

AWS Data Engineers oversee creation and implementation of data pipelines and help in the development of data lakes, besides managing AWS data services. mainly they are tasked with the role of data preparedness which involves making data available, credible and in a fit state for analysis. The job entails skills in various AWS services, such as Redshift, Glue, and any stream ETL processes. Data Engineers are responsible for providing relevant data support to organizations in their decision-making processes. Looking for AWS Data Engineer job opportunities in Gurgaon? Discover Fresher Jobs in Gurgaon for more choices.

AWS Data Engineer

AWS Security Engineer

AWS Security Engineers implement security measures, conduct audits, and ensure compliance with security standards. They protect AWS environments from threats and vulnerabilities. This role requires knowledge of AWS security services and cybersecurity best practices. Security Engineers are essential for maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of cloud systems.

AWS Machine Learning Engineer

AWS Machine Learning Engineers build and deploy machine learning models on AWS. They use services like SageMaker to manage data science workflows and enhance application capabilities. This role requires expertise in machine learning algorithms and AWS ML services. Machine Learning Engineers drive innovation through AI and data analytics.

AWS Database Administrator

AWS Database Administrators are responsible for the installation, deployment and management of databases on Amazon Web Services for availability and security. These include such tasks as making a backup copy, establishing the database’s efficiency, and its subsequent migration. The holder of this position should possess knowledge in AWS database services and working experience in SQL/NoSQL databases. Database Administrators are responsible for guaranteeing that systems, which are essential for storage and processing of important information, operate optimally.

AWS Consultant

AWS Consultants are AWS specialists that offer advice for AWS services, help with the moving process to the cloud, or AWS environments fine-tuning. It operates by engaging their clients and identifying the issues leading to the formulation of relevant services. The main duties of the proposed position involve the extensive use of AWS services and interpersonal communications. AWS consultants assist entities in effectively implementing AWS solutions on their platforms and gathering value from the cloud services. You can explore Free Alert Job to look for AWS-related job openings.

AWS Cloud Architect

AWS Cloud Architects are responsible for AWS business strategies and have expertise in developing architectural plans for key applications on AWS cloud. They guarantee that needs, aims and objectives of an organization are met by cloud solutions. It is a highly analytical position in which the director designs, often with outside consultants, the overall strategic plan for the organization while simultaneously requiring detailed technical knowledge of specific issues and the ability to effectively manage the organization. Cloud Architects are responsible for overall cloud perspective directionality for an organization.

Finally in this topic we have listed down Top 50 AWS Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers. The impressive number of AWS services presented on the market as well as the nature of cloud computing that consists of constant development open a number of opportunities for expansion. Taking the time to educate yourself on the core concepts, typical interview questions and the basics of AWS means you will have a firm grounding that can help in your interview and later performance. Discover which of Top 10 AWS Training Institutes in Chennai best meets your needs for developing your skills. Note that the entry to the world of AWS has only started, as the list of services is more extensive.

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