J.P. Morgan Interview Questions

J.P. Morgan Interview Questions

J.P. Morgan is a multinational bank holding company based in the United States, recognized as a global leader in financial services that offers solutions to corporations, governments, and institutions. Its headquarters are located in New York, the largest bank in the United States. In 2018, J.P. Morgan announced its vision to allocate $1.75 billion in philanthropic capital worldwide by 2023.

J.P. Morgan Interview Questions

The company is renowned for its excellent work-life balance and provides opportunities for career growth through involvement in decision-making processes. At J.P. Morgan, you will have the chance to create innovative solutions that can positively impact people’s daily lives. The company fosters an open, collaborative, and supportive culture for its employees. This blog will explore the frequently asked JP Morgan interview questions to guide Freshers Jobs seekers.

Recruitment Process

Candidates are required to attend a thorough recruitment procedure at J.P. Morgan. A candidate’s logical, technical and analytical abilities are assessed in J.P. Morgan’s interview rounds for freshers typically include 3 rounds.

  • Online assessment
  • Technical Interview
  • HR round

It is essential to notice that each round consists of elimination. Therefore, a candidate needs to clear all the rounds.

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Interview Rounds

  1. Online Assessment: The first round in the JP Morgan interview process is Online assessment. It consists of 2 sections.
  • Aptitude and general ability: This section will ask questions related to aptitude and general ability to test the candidate’s logical ability. This round typically consists of 30 questions.
  • Coding Questions: 2 easy to medium difficulty-level questions will be asked. Candidates should have an excellent understanding of data structures and algorithms to answer this section of the round.
  1. Technical Interview: After clearing the Online assessment, the selected candidates will be attending the technical interview. A technical round in J.P. Morgan will be conducted on the HIREVUE platform. The question asked in this round will be about the candidate’s final year projects. So, ensure that you have a good understanding of all the essential aspects of your project. Candidates should also be well prepared in specific fundamental topics in Computer Science, like Operating systems, DBMS, OOPS, and Networking. Generally, each candidate has to clear at least one technical round during the JP Morgan interview process.
  • Questions related to Primary, Secondary, Alternate, and Super keys in the Database management system will be asked.
  • Questions about Deadlock, Multiprogramming, Multithreading, etc will be asked from the Operating system.
  1. HR Interview: The next round after completing the technical interview round is the HR round. This round is to check whether the specific candidate is a cultural fit. At J.P. Morgan, the HR interview round is essential, and the candidate must be cautious while going through this round. The question will be asked related to your resume. So, knowing what you have mentioned in your resume is essential.

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HR Interview Questions

Given below are the JP Morgan interview questions for the HR Interview.

  1. Tell us about yourself.

Initiate by telling about your name, educational qualification, hobbies, interests, skills and abilities, and other required information.

  1. Why do you want to work for the J.P. Morgan company?

Tell them about what attracts you more about this company. Tell how your skills and abilities are relevant to the company’s norms.

  1. Why should we hire you?

Tell how your skills and abilities can help develop the company and bring profits. Make sure the answers are brief yet informative.

  1. Please tell us what you know about J.P. Morgan corporate.

Use this question to showcase how well you have researched the company. This approach shows your genuine interest towards working in this company.

  1. Tell us about your strengths.

Tell about your strengths that align with your job role.

  1. Tell us how you would handle a team member who needs to reach their full potential.

This question is situation-based, so ensure that your question is unique from other candidates’ answers.

Technical Interview Questions

JP Morgan interview questions for the Technical round are given below.

  1. Define an object-oriented model.

The object-oriented model is employed to incorporate object-oriented principles into all phases of the software development process. Within this model, we approach problems by structuring models based on real-world scenarios.

The primary goals of the object-oriented model include:

  • Evaluating an entity before its physical construction.
  • Ensuring alignment with customer requirements.
  • Enhancing visualization.
  • Simplifying complex processes to create scalable products.
  1. Define the Singleton class.

Singleton class can only hold one object at a time. Subsequently, when attempting to instantiate an object of the Singleton class, the new variable also references the initial object created. Therefore, any modifications made to a variable inside the class via any object will impact the variable within the created single instance.

  1. What are Virtual functions in C++?

Virtual functions are member functions declared in a base class and can be implemented or overridden in a derived class. To indicate a function as virtual, you use the “virtual” keyword in its declaration. This approach informs the compiler to enable dynamic binding for that function. Understanding that a virtual function cannot be declared static is crucial.

  1. What is Bus Topology?

Bus topology refers to organized devices in which all the computers or devices are connected or linked to a single data line. Data will be transmitted from one point to another (One-way flow).

Some JP Morgan interview questions and answers will be in differentiation format.

  1. State the difference between Abstract class and Interface.
Abstract Class Interface
Abstract classes can hold both abstract and non-abstract methods. Interfaces can only hold abstract methods. After that, Java 8 is allowed to hold default and static members.
Abstract class can’t achieve Multiple inheritance. The interface can achieve multiple inheritances.
An abstract class can also hold final & non-final and static & non-static variables. The interface can hold only static and final variables.
An abstract class will provide the implementation of the interface. Interfaces are not able to provide the implementation of an abstract class.
  1. Differentiate Methods and Constructors.
Method Constructor
A method is employed to represent an object’s functionality. Constructors serve the purpose of object initialization.
Methods are explicitly called. Constructors are implicitly triggered.
The method should include a return type. Constructors do not include a return type.
No default method is supplied if a user does not define a method. The compiler automatically generates a default constructor when the user does not explicitly define a constructor.
  1. State the difference between Multitasking and Multithreading.
Multitasking Multithreading
In multitasking, the CPU manages multiple tasks. Multithreading involves splitting a process into multiple segments, enabling them to run concurrently.
Processes in multitasking operate independently without resource sharing. Multithreading allows different threads to access the same resources.
The process termination phase may involve additional time. Thread termination is a quicker process.
It contributes to the creation of efficient software programs. It contributes to the development of a more efficient operating system.
  1. State the difference between Thread and Process.
Thread Process
A thread is a portion of a process. The execution of a program is termed as a process.
Threads typically have shorter completion times. Processes generally have longer completion times.
Context switching with threads is quicker. Context switching with processes is more time-consuming.
Threads share memory. Processes are isolated entities.
Their creation consumes less time. Their creation demands more time.
  1. State the difference between String and StringBuffer.
String StringBuffer
String is a non-mutable class. StringBuffer is a mutable class.
A string is slow, and it consumes ample memory space. StringBuffer is fast and consumes less memory space.
A string class uses a string pool area. The StringBuffer uses heap memory.
The string class overrides the equals() method of an object class. Using the equals() method, you can compare 2 strings easily. The StringBuffer class doesn’t override an object class’s equals() method.
  1. State differences between a Super key and a Primary key.
Super key Primary key
A Super key is a single or a set of attributes that finds all attributes that are in relation. A primary key is a set of attributes that can find all the attributes that are in relation.
For relation, the quantity of the super key should be more than the quantity of the primary key. For relation, the quantity of the primary key should be less than the quality of the super key.
A Super key can also hold NULL values. The Primary key can’t hold NULL values.

Some JP Morgan interview questions and answers will be in the explanation format.

  1. Explain the deadlock and its necessary conditions.

Deadlock is a situation in which multiple processes are waiting for each other to complete their tasks, but none can ever finish because they are all waiting for resources held by the others.

Consider a scenario with three distinct resources: Resource 1, Resource 2, and Resource 3, along with three different processes: Process 1, Process 2, and Process 3. Initially, Resource 1 is assigned to Process 1, Resource 2 to Process 2, and Resource 3 to Process 3. Later on, Process 1 requests Resource 1, which is in use by Process 2, leading to Process 1’s suspension since it can’t proceed without Resource 2. Process 2 then requests Resource 3, held by Process 3, causing Process 2 to halt. Similarly, Process 1 and Process 2 halt because they are waiting for Resource 3. Process 3 subsequently requests Resource 1, which is held by Process 1, resulting in Process 3 being suspended.

There are four essential conditions for deadlock, as outlined below:

Conditions of Deadlock

  • Mutual Exclusion: Resources can be accessed in a mutually exclusive manner, meaning multiple processes cannot share a resource simultaneously.
  • Hold and Wait: A process holds a resource while waiting for another resource held by a different process.
  • No Preemption: A process can only release a resource once it has completed its task.
  • Circular Wait: Processes are organized circularly, with each process in the circular list waiting for the resource held by the subsequent process.

For instance, when representing a process in a system with a total of N processes using the notation P[i], the P[i] process awaits the resource allocated to the P[i] % (N + 1) process.

  1. Define Inheritance. Explain the different types of inheritance.

Inheritance is a class’s ability to inherit another class’s characteristics and properties. It is considered one of the most significant concepts of Object-Oriented Programming (OOPS). During this process, new classes are derived from the existing ones. The new class is known as a derived class, and the existing class is called parent or base class. There are 5 categories of Inheritance.

Types of Inheritance

  • Single inheritance: In this type of inheritance, only one new class can be inherited from a base class.
  • Multiple inheritance: In multiple inheritances, a derived class will be inherited from more than one parent class. Specific languages, like C++, support multiple inheritances, but other languages, like Java, don’t. However, it is possible to achieve multiple inheritance in Java using interfaces.
  • Multilevel inheritance: In this type of inheritance, a new class will be inherited from another new class or derived class.
  • Hierarchical inheritance: In hierarchical inheritance, two or more new classes are inherited from a common parent class.
  • Hybrid inheritance: Hybrid inheritance is otherwise known as virtual inheritance. Hybrid inheritance is a combination of 2 or more inheritance. For instance, it can be a combination of hierarchical and multiple inheritance.

Some JP Morgan interview questions and answers will be detailed, including coding.

  1. Justify the difference between Union and Union all.

Union is a SQL command that combines 2 or more sets to create a single set. 2 queries can be seamlessly joined to create a single result set using select statements.

The syntax for Union is given below:

Query1 UNION Query2


Let’s consider that we have 2 tables.

Company 1:

Employee_Name Employee_ID
Rohan 7
Rakshith 11
Manav 18

Company 2:

Employee_Name Employee_ID
Varun 14
Raghav 24
Vishal 27

SELECT Employee_Name from Company1 UNION SELECT Employee_Name FROM Company2



In this context, two separate tables retrieve rows with the same column specified for data extraction. Like the UNION operator, an error will occur if different columns are specified. It’s essential to emphasize that the data type specified in both queries must match. It’s worth noting that a UNION operation’s result consists of only distinct values.

Another SQL command, UNION ALL, serves a similar purpose by combining two or more sets into a single set, just like UNION. The critical distinction between UNION and UNION ALL lies in their treatment of duplicates. UNION only includes distinct entries, whereas the result of UNION ALL may also contain duplicate values.


Let’s consider that we have 2 tables.

Company 1:

Employee_Name Employee_ID
Rohan 7
Rakshith 11
Manav 18

Company 2:

Employee_Name Employee_ID
Varun 14
Manav 11
Vishal 27

SELECT Employee_Name from Company1 UNION ALL SELECT Employee_Name FROM Company2



In this scenario, two distinct tables are employed to extract rows, with both tables using the same column for data retrieval. Similar to the UNION operation, using different columns will result in an error. It is crucial to emphasize that the specified data types must match in both queries. Additionally, it’s noteworthy that the result of a UNION ALL operation can include duplicate values.

In conclusion, J.P. Morgan is a multinational bank holding company based in the United States. It is recognized as a global leader in financial services and offers solutions to corporations, governments, and institutions. This blog will discuss frequently asked JP Morgan interview questions with sample answers.

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